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ACERCA Del ministerio



Bold and Free es un ministerio de evangelismo y discipulado dedicado a ayudar a las personas a vivir la vida abundante que Dios ha diseñado para ellos mostrándoles cómo vivir una vida valiente, libre y victoriosa. Centrándonos en una relación personal con Jesucristo, mostramos a las personas cómo tener relaciones saludables, seguras, reconciliadas y llenas de confianza. Mostramos a las personas cómo liberarse del dolor atormentador de las heridas del pasado que les han causado , y ellas han causado a través del perdón auténtico. Mostramos a las personas cómo liberarse del ciclo destructivo de comportamiento pecaminoso en el que se encuentran atrapados en tantas relaciones a través de la reconciliación auténtica. Luego les mostramos cómo superar el miedo, poner la fe en acción y amar a las personas, incluso a las que son difíciles de amar, de una manera segura y valiente.


Jon y Alana Farr


Bold and Free Ministries fue fundado por Jon y Alana Farr en 2020 después de entregarse al ministerio de tiempo completo y luego de veintitrés años de ministrar a las personas que Dios trajo a sus vidas.


A la edad de diecinueve años, Jon encontró la libertad al comenzar una relación personal con Jesucristo poco después de conocer a Cullen Davis, el hombre acusado de asesinar a su padre. Poco después de aceptar a Jesucristo, Jon decidió perdonar auténticamente a Cullen Davis y fue liberado de años de amargura, enojo, resentimiento y dolor atormentador.


Jon y Alana también han superado muchos problemas difíciles en su propio matrimonio por la gracia de Dios y han estado casados ​​durante veinticuatro años y tienen dos hijos increíbles. Su lucha y camino hacia una relación reconciliada y restaurada se convirtió en la base del ministerio.


Dios ha usado a Jon y Alana para ayudar a reconciliar y restaurar a las familias que atraviesan la separación o el divorcio. Jon también ha llevado a personas que sufren de muchas formas de abuso, adicciones y tendencias suicidas a liberarse del dolor pasado y luego les mostró cómo vivir libres y amar de una manera segura y valiente.


Nuestro Enfoque

Cómo las personas se lastiman unas a otras sin la influencia del Espíritu Santo


arrepentimiento y perdón

Arrepentirse con una tristeza que es segun Dios, pedir perdón y perdonar a los demás, lo que te lleva a un corazón lleno de paz



Con Dios y los demás -

Aprender a reflejar un espejo del amor de Dios a quienes nos rodean

para que podamos volver a iniciar el proceso de creación de confianza.


Viviendo libre, SEGURO y valiente

Sin miedo, viviendo correctamente y amando a las personas como Dios nos ama

Entendiendo nuestra carne



Cómo lo hacemos

Entrenamiento A iglesias

asociaciones ministeriales

Talleres grupales

discipulado individual

dando a dios la gloria

Noel - Missouri

It is very difficult to live the life God intends for us when a cage of lies keeps us from seeing what that life is. Jon was the first person to spend enough hours with my family that I truly believed him when he said he cared about and loved us. Jon helped my family rediscover God and His definitions of life and what kind of lives we were meant to lead.

Anonymous - California

I've been a second-hand recipient of Jon's ministry. The people Jon has blessed through his forgiveness and purity workshops have in turn blessed me. Praise God for the mighty works He is doing in and through Jon and Alana Farr! Blessings in Christ to you both.

Brendan - Montana

I met John 4 years ago and was introduced to the break free ministry and there was a huge element of practical application and hard challenges that force a person to either dive deep or live in denial/deception. I can’t describe the feeling to you, not effectively, but praying was like pulling thorns from my chest. What Christ did on the cross not only gives us the power to walk in obedience, but also freedom, joy and reconciliation.

Sheylah - Montana

God answered my prayer and sent Jon to help our family. Through him, God has been showing me how to walk out my faith. God has changed my standard of living from comfort to purposefully choosing uncomfortable situations so that I may grow closer to Him more and more!

Miguel - Mexico

One of the biggest challenges I faced was overcoming a mountain of hurt and pain resulting from a lifetime of abusive and hurtful people in my life. The concepts I learned from Break Free are just as valuable to me today as when I was first introduced to them and have become an invaluable addition to my arsenal for a right daily living.

Julie - Montana

We attended a Break Free Workshop, and that was the beginning of our transformation as a couple. It’s impossible to describe how freeing it felt each time I let go of a past hurt. Only after you authentically forgive can you truly reconcile and start rebuilding trust. I can’t stress enough how strongly I recommend that everyone learn more about this method of authentic forgiveness and reconciliation!

Geoff - Montana

I believe that if this God centered, biblical approach to marriage and family discipling were implemented in every church this incredible process of relating to others would spread like wild fire throughout all communities! Don't let this pass you by. It very well could be the life changing experience you've been hoping and praying for your whole life!

Kelly - Colorado

I attended Jon's eight week class in the beginning of 2020 called Break Free. Jon helped me see what forgiveness was and encouraged me to ask for it. The freeing feeling being forgiven gave me was the most powerful feeling I have ever experienced.

Sarah - Colorado

I came to Jon at a time when my brokenness seemed un-repairable.  With his help, I was able to reach a place where I experienced the unshakable amount of peace that is reached when we practice and understand true (authentic) forgiveness.

Pastor B - Colorado

At the very beginning of our first replant of a church, I invited Jon to lead us in the Break Free Workshop. I would recommend Jon to any church who needs someone to lead the way with biblical reconciliation.

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